Reset password

If you have forgotten your password you can reset your password here. Note that it may take up to two hours for the password to work with all systems.

Fill in the following form:

This number may also be referred to as S-number, D-number or fødselnummer in Norwegian. If you are a foreign student and have not received this number yet, please contact NTNU Office of International Relations.
You can find this number in the email you received from the Student and Academic Division at NTNU. This is the same PIN code that you use to log in to Studentweb. If you have forgotten your PIN code, contact Studentservice.

Password must be at least 10 characters long and contain at least one character from three of these 4 groups:

  • Capital letters A-Z
  • Lower case letters a-z
  • Digits 0-9
  • Special characters !#()*+,.=?@[]_{}-  (only these given special characters are legal to use in the password)